Bloggers Monthly Call for Life: March for Life - Washington D.C.

Friday, January 12, 2007

March for Life - Washington D.C.

The March for Life in Washington D.C., put on by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund, is the largest annual Pro-Life event in the world. If you haven't been there yet, well, you are really missing out!

The event is always held around the anniversary of the Roe vs Wade decision of 1973. This year it will be on January 22nd. This decision, along with Doe vs Bolton, decrimalized killing human beings in the womb, all the way up to the day of delivery.

Join the March for Life in Washington D.C. if you can. If you are coming, or are not able to, please consider donating to their important effort. They spend a lot of money & time on this important event, all year, every year, so that we can unite and speak out as one against the horror of abortion.

Click here to go to the March for Life donation page, and please, give generously.