Bloggers Monthly Call for Life: Five Pendedrgraft Abortion Facilities Closed In Florida

Friday, August 18, 2006

Five Pendedrgraft Abortion Facilities Closed In Florida

Photo of Abortionist Dr. Pendergraft

Two Orlando abortion facilities, Orlando Women's Center and EPOC have been shut down indefinitely, and the state Agency for Health Care Administration also barred abortion at the other facilities, located in Tampa, Fort Lauderdale and Ocala for a week. Dr. Pendergraft's medical license has also been suspended because of accusations that he performed illegal late-term abortions.

The Washington Times reports

"An emergency order issued Wednesday by the Florida Department of Health suspending Dr. James S. Pendergraft IV's license stated he showed "a flagrant disregard for the laws of the state of Florida and a willingness to endanger the lives and health of pregnant patients"

Within the last week, Pendergraft has come under scruteny and investigation after a baby was born and subsequently killed by facility owner, Belkis Gonzalez. Jill Stanek reported that witnesses allege the baby was "placed kicking and gasping for air in a biohazard bag at an abortion clinic in Hialeah, Florida, on July 20". She also stated that:

> The medical examiner has determined this baby was born alive.
> The person putting the live baby in a biohazard bag has been identified as clinic owner Belkis Gonzales.
> Clinic workers allegedly hid the baby on the roof the first time police searched the premises.
> A police department official says if state attorneys come back with anything other than homicide charges, he will pitch a public fit.

Click here for the Jill Stanek article

The Times also states:

Marti MacKenzie, a spokeswoman for Dr. Pendergraft, said he has "encontered obstacles" since opening his first abortion clinic in Orlando nearly 15 years ago.

This is a Bush-run state that is constantly anti-choice," she said. "Dr. Pendargraft is many women's last hope, but there are always movements afoot to hinder him."

Last year, a former patient filed inhumane-treatment charges against Dr. Pendergraft. She said she gave birth to a live 23-week-old in a clinic restroom after a failed abortion. She stated that the baby died after nobody responded to her calls for help. reported:

The state also took actions against Pendergraft yesterday (August 16th) over a 2004 abortion in which he said a woman was 22 weeks pregnant. He gave her a drug to take at home to initiative contractions and begin the abortion.

The woman ended up having the abortion at home before she could go back to the abortion center and a hospital later estimated the age of the baby at 25 to 27 weeks, according to the newspaper.

The state said Pendergraft "endangered two female patients by performing third-trimester abortions outside a hospital setting and without concurring certification from a second physician."

The state said Pendergraft "endangered two female patients by performing third-trimester abortions outside a hospital setting and without concurring certification from a second physician."

Other web sites reporting on this story:

Pro-Life With Christ
Operation Rescue West
Real Choice
Blue Wave Canada

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