Bloggers Monthly Call for Life: January 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Video - A conversation with District Attorney Phill Kline from Kansas

District Attorney Phill Kline explains what has been happening in Kansas with George Tiller, also known as "Tiller the Killer". George Tiller performs abortions on children of all child bearing ages, and people in the womb all the way up to the moment of delivery.

Kline was recently unseated as Attorney General and currently holds the position of District Attorney of Johnson County. The following interview might help explain what is involved with this case, and how important it is for people all across America to understand why this is not just a Kansas issue.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Blogs4Life Conference at the Family Research Council - January 22nd

Are you coming to the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. on January 22nd? If so, then join us at the 2nd Annual Blogs4Life conference at the Family Research Council. We will start the day with a continental breakfast and a meet & greet at 8:30 am. This will be followed by an opening by Charmaine Yoest of the Family Research Council & then by Tony Perkins, President of the FRC.

Then we will continue the day with talks by other leaders such as Bobby Schindler, Jill Stanek and Jonathan and Deborah Flora (Distant Thunder).

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Friday, January 12, 2007

March for Life - Washington D.C.

The March for Life in Washington D.C., put on by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund, is the largest annual Pro-Life event in the world. If you haven't been there yet, well, you are really missing out!

The event is always held around the anniversary of the Roe vs Wade decision of 1973. This year it will be on January 22nd. This decision, along with Doe vs Bolton, decrimalized killing human beings in the womb, all the way up to the day of delivery.

Join the March for Life in Washington D.C. if you can. If you are coming, or are not able to, please consider donating to their important effort. They spend a lot of money & time on this important event, all year, every year, so that we can unite and speak out as one against the horror of abortion.

Click here to go to the March for Life donation page, and please, give generously.

March for Life Rally and Route Map

One of my contributions to the March for Life Education and Defense Fund is building the map of the rally and the March route in Washington D.C. Click here to go to the March for Life web site and check out where we will be this year, and be sure to take a moment to donate a few dollars to this important, annual event. They spend a lot of money and time putting it all together, so help out and make sure they have all they need.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Video - Erik Whittington at St. Peter's Church responding to Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House

Erik Whittington is the director of Rock for Life, a branch of American Life League, and encourages the youth of America to defend life. spoke with Erik at St. Peter's Church where Nancy Pelosi was attending a service on the day that she took over the position of House Speaker.


Rock for Life is committed to offering the truth about abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia to America's youth through music and ministry.

Rock for Life exists to offer you a voice, encouraging you to stand up among your peers and fight against the destruction of your generation.

Click here to continue reading and to view the video at

Monday, January 08, 2007

Rob Schenck Interview At St. Peter's Catholic Church

The new Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, traveled extensively last week, celebrating her new position. caught up with her at St. Peter's Church and we interviewed Rob Schenck from Faith & Action and Erik Whittington from Rock for Life, a branch of American Life League.

The first interview we will post is with Rob Schenck. When asked if was any discussion about Pro-Life, Rev. Schenck replied "Absolutely 0 mentioned, except ...there were words spoken during the service about the value of every person, so there was at least a hint. ...and we know of course where the Catholic Church stands on this. No one in that room was ignorant of where the Catholic Church stands on the dignity and the value of every human life, born and unborn. There was no question about who authored the words that were spoken.

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Are you coming to the March for Life on January 22nd?

Are you coming to the March for Life in Washington D.C. on January 22nd? If so, consider going to the 2nd annual Conference at the Family Research Council, located just a few blocks away from where the March will begin.

This year's event will feature Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS), Tony Perkins, Ramesh Ponnuru, Joe Scheidler, Bobby Schindler and Jill Stanek (left-right top-bottom).

Click here to register today for the Blogs4Life conference

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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Can "womb fluid" end the embryonic stem cell debate? reports that American scientists have been experimenting with amniotic fluid as a possible replacement for embryonic stem cells.


They have called them amniotic fluid-derived stem (AFS) cells and said that they represented an “intermediate stage” between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. The cells have the same potential as embryonic stem cells and their ready availability makes them vital to research, the scientists said.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Pray at an abortion mill Today

It's the first Saturday following the first Friday and it's time to go to the abortion mills to pray for the women going in & the babies who might not make it out.

Click here to read the latest Hillcrest report of abortion activities in the D.C. area.

Click here to go to for more information and to find an abortion mill near you.

3 Children spared from certain death

At least 63 area Boys and Girls Murdered! (Details follow)

Click here to read the rest of the story at

Friday, January 05, 2007

Call for Life Today! - Friday, January 5th

It's the first Friday of the month & it's time to Call for Life!

Every month on the first Friday we call and/or email our representatives to let them know that they need to defend life. What do I say & who do I call? Go to for everything you need to know and do.

The unborn only have us. If we don't call for them, who will?

United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Joe Scheidler at a Chicago abortion mill

I spoke with Joe Scheidler in November at one of the abortion mills in Chicago, Illinois. Two other people were there to help explain why we go to these places.

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